Saturday 9 September 2017

Blog homework    09Sept 2017

  1. How  Media influences our lifestyle
  • At the the learner should be able to identify different types of media 
  • Learners should be able to list different roles played by media in our lives. 
  • Learners should  be able to differentiate between good and bad media influences. 
2. The group brainstorm the topic to ensure that every one is on par and to recognise prior learning. Then in smaller groups they list different forms of media and people that have influence in their lives. E.g Music and Sports. 
  • In groups of 4 learners discuss the influence of TV,Magazines , radios and websites and commercials in our daily lives . They will share their favorite advertisements &give reasons why they like to watch or listen to them. 
  • In groups of two learners cut pictures or articles from magazines/newspapers then they anall seem and discuss the goodd and the bad about thosebenza pictures or articles.  They will tell the whole class why they think it's good or bad.
  •  It ralates to knowledge practice thru:
  • Recognition of prior learning 
  • Discussions
  • Discussions and reports 

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