Sunday 5 November 2017

Searching as Strtegic Exploration

Searching as Strategic Exploration
Research Topic: Investigate the impact of prosthetics on amputated individuals.
Learning  Outcomes

  • Students  must be able to determine the amount of work to be covered/ investimated in order to meet the information needs renquired for a particular task. 
  • Identify potential parties /role players who might hold an important information regarding a particular topic. 
  • Use appropriate tools to match information needs and search strategy in order to access relevant information. 
  1. In groups students discuss how prosthetics helps the amputated individuals. 
  2. In groups students identify different strategies of making prosthetics accessible to everyone in need of them.
  3. In groups students search for individuals or organisations that can make prosthetics accessible to all who need them. 
  • Learners must be open minded,  show flexibility and creativity when searching. 
  • Understand the variety of sources that contain different subject,  format, value and needs for a particular search or topic. 
  • Students must seek advice and guidance from experts when searching . 
  • Resources 
  • Papers and markers 
  • Flip chart papers & prestic
  • Whiteboard and markerelated
  • Computers with internet

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