Sunday 20 August 2017

Information literacy theories.
I like the fact that information literacy also focuses on multiple literacies that are based on different schools of thoughts. Schools of thought are learning theories that are validated and tested by the theoriest who wanted to address ways of teaching and learning. These theories are behaviourism, cognitivism and constructivism. I believe that all the three can work well depending on the individual's learning styles. The reason why I say that they can all be considered is that people have different ways of learning and these theories are here to prove that one size fits all style can not address all the learning styles. For example, some learners learn by listening and talking,others by doing/ touching and observing while others learn by doing all. According to Piaget learners learn by exploring the environment which helps them discover new knowledge. Therefore, context and learning cannot be separated because for learning to be meaningful it has to start with what is known then move to the unknown. In South Africa education is in crisis because some of these theories are not applied. From primary school to tertiary institutions learning is more teacher centred than learner centred. If we  we implement Australian or USA curriculum without considering the context learning cannot happen the way it should because we are a diverse nation, and we are different in so many ways. For example in South Africa we have anglonormotive education,  education that does not accormodate non- English speaking learners fully. For example according to Vygotsky for learner's prior knowledge need to be recognised in inorder to take them to the zone of proximal development.In SA contex to know the language they need tof be immersed in that particular language, teachers assume that learners know nothing when they first arrive at school not knowing how to speak English. Language become a barrier to learning if learners are thought in a language they do not understand.Social learning play a major role in this context. Constructivism is a good theory that could work well in learning. In SA it is not yet applied properly because of diversity in backgrounds and the implementation of the curriculum. Our curriculum is pace centred now and it makes it difficult to accormodate all the learning styles, as a result some learners suffer. Our education system is stillmore teacher centred than learner centred.

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