Friday 22 September 2017

Research as Inquiry

 How Has Culture/ Religion influenced  Gender Roles in South African Society?
Learning Outcomes
At end learners are expected to be able to :

  1. Formulate research questions based on information gaps of an existing information expressed. e.g academic papers / articles.
  2. To determine an appropriate scope of investigationgoing. 
  3. To use various researth methods based on the need of the study. 

1. Learners are expected to search for different sources to discuss the topic. 
2.They will use the key words they have found to structure what the study is investigating. 
3.Learners are expected to come up with the suitable methods and tools for the study. 

  • Learners will start to consider research as open ended exploration of information.
  • Develop questions and learning new investigative methods while keeping an open mind and critical stance.
  • They will seek multiple perspective  during information gathering and assessment. 

Friday 15 September 2017

Scholarship as a conversation lesson plan.

Topic: How Media influences our lifestyle
Learning outcomes :

  • At the end learners should be able to contribute to scholars conversation with others at an appropriate level and ethical manner like in academic sessions and online communities 
  • Identify the contribution that other sources of information make to disciplinary knowledge. 
  • To critically evaluate contributions made by others in participatory information platforms.
  • They should engage and debate  on information platforms like Twitter, Facebook and blogs to hear what others think about the topic given.
  • The should engage in classroom debates and academic sessions by making reference of the sources of information 
  • Make criticall analysis of the information sources and make a positive contribution by making good recommendations. 

  1. Firstly learners should be able to recognise that they are often entering into anew ongoing scholary conversation therefore they need to engage deeply. 
  2. They should recognise that scholary conversation takes place in various places that they need to visit more often for new information.
  3. Lastly they must see themselves as contributors to scholarships rather than nconsumers of information. 

Saturday 9 September 2017

Blog homework    09Sept 2017

  1. How  Media influences our lifestyle
  • At the the learner should be able to identify different types of media 
  • Learners should be able to list different roles played by media in our lives. 
  • Learners should  be able to differentiate between good and bad media influences. 
2. The group brainstorm the topic to ensure that every one is on par and to recognise prior learning. Then in smaller groups they list different forms of media and people that have influence in their lives. E.g Music and Sports. 
  • In groups of 4 learners discuss the influence of TV,Magazines , radios and websites and commercials in our daily lives . They will share their favorite advertisements &give reasons why they like to watch or listen to them. 
  • In groups of two learners cut pictures or articles from magazines/newspapers then they anall seem and discuss the goodd and the bad about thosebenza pictures or articles.  They will tell the whole class why they think it's good or bad.
  •  It ralates to knowledge practice thru:
  • Recognition of prior learning 
  • Discussions
  • Discussions and reports 

Tuesday 5 September 2017

Scholarship as a Conversation

It is a conversation because scholars discuss a concept and come up with different ideas about the same concept just like in literature review. They agree to disagree by analyzing the text as they develop knowledge in the process. for example the three theorists Vygotsky, Piaget and Bandura, they all believe in learning as a social practice,even though they believe in that they have different ideas of practicing it.

There is a belief by scholars that learners learn through play.  I would come up with the game that will teach language using other  languages for everyone to understand because language can be a barrier to learning. If everyone is engaged learning will take place because it will be focusing on different perspective and abilities.

I will give them a song or game that in one of SA languages the i will ask them  to  transform it or sing it i different languages to enhance understanding and to learn each other's languages. They can critique and transform the song to ensure that it is ethical. They can discuss the topic like can language be a barrier to learning?