Thursday 16 November 2017

Information Creation as a Process

Formats Of Sources on Research Topics ( see Research as inquiry) decide why the chosen formats are appropriate for the information needs. Transform the information that you have found in one format and write a reflection on what you needed to consider as you went through the process

Research Topic.How does Insomnia affects Third Year Linguistic Students
Sources Internet, Academic/Journal Articles, News papers
Information Formats
News papers, photos and videos , books , social networks and Articles
1.Photos give students a clear picture of  physiological parts affected by the sleep problem. That gives them a detailed practical information that accommodates those who learn by seeing.
2. Articles give a detailed and educational information that people can use to help themselves and others suffering from the same challenge. They are reliable and incredible information that has been researched thoroughly by scholars.
3. News papers give an exaggerated information that attracts readers, information that motivates people to dig out some more information about the topic. That helps to equip them about what they need to know. The good thing about newspapersis theye are easy to read compared to academic papers and journal articles and easy to access.
4. Books always give a detailed explanation of information because they always give more information compared to other sources. There are times when you the whole book discuss the whole topic.
5. Social media,  internet, radio and TV they provide easy access to information because they are always available and used more often than most sources of information. Even though they are always used but it's difficult to to verify the credibility and validity of information presented.

Monday 6 November 2017

Prosthetic Limbs  and information Distributors

1.       The individuals or organisations that would generate information about Prosthetic limbs are the orthopaedics or Medical organisation that specialise on prosthetic limbs.
2.       The following sites design and distribute any form of prosthetic limbs for individuals who lost them through accidents and wars etc.
3.       Information about them is found on health related articles, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram websites
Prosthetic Limbs sites

  1. Jayson Chin and Associate specialize in supplying and rehabilitation of people in need of prosthetic  limbs. They are found in Cape Town in Vincet Palotti Hospital

  1. 2Dezeen manufaturers specialize in all prosthetic designs and can be found on social networks such as Facebook Twitter Instagram and website


3. Kryska Schilling Orthopeadics
They manufacture prosthetic Limbs for everyone and they can be contacted telephonically. They work with Melomed  Hospital in Bellvile and Loius Leipoldt
Here is the link to view more information about them.

Donating Organisations a limb
They donate limbs to people who lost their lives in different incidents.
They can be contacted via Facebook, Website Twitter etc


Sunday 5 November 2017

Searching as Strtegic Exploration

Searching as Strategic Exploration
Research Topic: Investigate the impact of prosthetics on amputated individuals.
Learning  Outcomes

  • Students  must be able to determine the amount of work to be covered/ investimated in order to meet the information needs renquired for a particular task. 
  • Identify potential parties /role players who might hold an important information regarding a particular topic. 
  • Use appropriate tools to match information needs and search strategy in order to access relevant information. 
  1. In groups students discuss how prosthetics helps the amputated individuals. 
  2. In groups students identify different strategies of making prosthetics accessible to everyone in need of them.
  3. In groups students search for individuals or organisations that can make prosthetics accessible to all who need them. 
  • Learners must be open minded,  show flexibility and creativity when searching. 
  • Understand the variety of sources that contain different subject,  format, value and needs for a particular search or topic. 
  • Students must seek advice and guidance from experts when searching . 
  • Resources 
  • Papers and markers 
  • Flip chart papers & prestic
  • Whiteboard and markerelated
  • Computers with internet