Friday 25 August 2017

Learning about threshold made me to think about the theories like behaviourism whereby a learner is seen and treated as an empty vessel that needs to be filled with information. In that process the learner feel like is in the darkness and is unsure  whether it's going forward or backward because there's too much information that puts a learner in a liminal space. Constructive theory takes the learner out of that darkness through transformation and intergration because you begin to change the way of doing things and you link what you have learned with your past experiences because constructivism is based on buildings from the known to the unknown. Therefore threshold can be defined as enlightenment, a stage where your mind is filled with counterintuitive ideas , then  you move from the darkness to the light as you learn in the process. According to Meyer and Land there's no simple way in learning, because learning  start from easy to difficult mastery of the threshold concept.They argue that threshold concept is a concept that often involves messy journeys of back, forth and across the conceptual terrain. The good thing is that ,as you learn along you transform from the stage of darkness you have a better idea of what you have learned. Once you begin to understand you make connection of the new knowledge with your past experiences, that could be either text to text, world to world connection or life experiences you become well rounded. Once you have mastered that knowledge then it becomes irreversible it's bounded.  This shows that if learning is not understood learners will remain in the darkness and in the liminal space. As a teacher you should strive to bring light to learners by acknowledging they go through different stages of learning and they are individuals with mixed abilities.

Thursday 24 August 2017

Information literacy

  1. Th difference between Bibliographic instructions and Information literacy is that; Bibliographic instruction is a term that mostly reference to the use of information resources available from the library. Information literacy is a broad concept that refer to a user's ability to acquire information,  tor identify, locate,evaluate, organise and create new knowledge that can be used to address certain issues. It is also a skill that needs to be enhanced inorder to deal with critical issues of competence in any field. 
  2. Factors that led to evaluation of  teacher librarian: 
  • Evolving needs of learners
  • Developing knowledge building environments 
  • Evolving spaceso for learning 
  • Evolving learning devices or hardware
  • Evolving pedagogy 
  • National and international trends that has an impact on all aspects of education. 
Because of the above listed factors teacher librarian play a major role in the design and delivery of a digital literacy information and literacy programmes. 
3.Changes that have occurred in academic library instruction mainly focus on the organisation with understanding environmental demands and constraints on an organisation is essential to understanding organisational functioning even though the environment doesn't affect the organisational designs.

Sunday 20 August 2017

Information literacy theories.
I like the fact that information literacy also focuses on multiple literacies that are based on different schools of thoughts. Schools of thought are learning theories that are validated and tested by the theoriest who wanted to address ways of teaching and learning. These theories are behaviourism, cognitivism and constructivism. I believe that all the three can work well depending on the individual's learning styles. The reason why I say that they can all be considered is that people have different ways of learning and these theories are here to prove that one size fits all style can not address all the learning styles. For example, some learners learn by listening and talking,others by doing/ touching and observing while others learn by doing all. According to Piaget learners learn by exploring the environment which helps them discover new knowledge. Therefore, context and learning cannot be separated because for learning to be meaningful it has to start with what is known then move to the unknown. In South Africa education is in crisis because some of these theories are not applied. From primary school to tertiary institutions learning is more teacher centred than learner centred. If we  we implement Australian or USA curriculum without considering the context learning cannot happen the way it should because we are a diverse nation, and we are different in so many ways. For example in South Africa we have anglonormotive education,  education that does not accormodate non- English speaking learners fully. For example according to Vygotsky for learner's prior knowledge need to be recognised in inorder to take them to the zone of proximal development.In SA contex to know the language they need tof be immersed in that particular language, teachers assume that learners know nothing when they first arrive at school not knowing how to speak English. Language become a barrier to learning if learners are thought in a language they do not understand.Social learning play a major role in this context. Constructivism is a good theory that could work well in learning. In SA it is not yet applied properly because of diversity in backgrounds and the implementation of the curriculum. Our curriculum is pace centred now and it makes it difficult to accormodate all the learning styles, as a result some learners suffer. Our education system is stillmore teacher centred than learner centred.

Friday 11 August 2017

The new term has started. It was so good to see my classmates again looking all good.  I am looking forward to information literacy, it sounds exciting and I hope I will enjoy it. It was good to hear about the changes in the library, changes that makes it more inclusive and flexible compared to the past. Literacy is always exciting and I love the fact that it encourages lifelong learning.
I also love the fact that things change now and again and people need to learn all the time. Even though technology is taking over the traditional ways, I cannot imagine a library without books. In South Africa we are faced with lower levels literacy and if we do away with books, I do not see people reading even the e-books. I believe that exposure to books encourages people to read and it's a reminder that library is a place for learning. As future librarian I believe that Information literacy is required for us to have and be able to pass it on to others and be life long learners. I am glad that it also encourages critical thinking.